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A Complete Guide To Logo Designing For Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging

A Complete Guide To Logo Designing For Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging Image

Have you ever thought about how you would remember brands if they did not have a brand logo on the Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging? Of course, you will find it confusing. You have always seen the brands with their brand logo.

That means the logo is the brand identity in the competitive market. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the customers to get their favorite brand.

But, there must be someone’s creativity behind the logo design. There is always a systematic process in designing custom printed boxes and the brand logo on them as well.

Let’s discover what a brand logo is and why the brand needs to pay the utmost attention to its design.

What Is A Brand Logo?

This question may seem silly here, as we all know the brand logo. But for those who are looking for the correct answer, read ahead.

The customized brand logo is the design or the symbol which explicitly represents the brand in the market and among the public. In simple words, the logo defines the brand and becomes its identity.

However, there are some misconceptions about the logo that it is everything for the brand, but it is just a fallacy. Yes! We can say the brand logo represents your brand but don’t go overboard with the design.

Therefore, if the company’s logo is strong, but the ethical code is not up to the mark, your business will not work well in the future. An example of Enron’s logo is in front of us – the impressive logo but weak ethical code. They could not make their company work better.

An Ultimate Guide To Perfect Brand Logo Designing

After discussing the brief introduction and some misconceptions about logo designing, let’s get into the ultimate guide. After reading this blog, you can easily implement these simple five steps for logo creations.

Understand The Audience And Brand Requirement

For designing the logo on the custom boxes, be it custom cosmetic boxes, custom foundation boxes, or any Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging, you must keep two points in your mind:

  • You have to think creative and smart. Your brand logo is a collection of individual fragments that need to work together.
  • Brand logo design requires strategies, decision and thinking. However, decision making is an influential factor in finalizing the perfect logo for you.

Your first step in the process is correctly understanding the targeted audience and brand approach. This phase is about questioning yourself. What kind of audience do you possess, and what will you sell?

After solid knowledge about the customer’s and company’s beliefs, motives and future goals, you are ready to think about the logo design. Now you have narrowed down the area of your research.

Find Inspiration For Your Custom Printed Cosmetic Boxes

Once you are done with the logo ideas and have researched the other brands’ logos existing in the market, now it is time for brainstorming. It depends on you how you like to brainstorm about any problem.

Most of the time, writing down the ideas, either good or not, can help you. Sometimes any small idea can give spark your logo design. You have to put yourself in the customer’s shoes to create whatever the customer can desire from your brand.

To make this step more useful, you can take help from friends or someone else to get diversity in the idea. Moreover, you can check images or cut down some digital graphics. This will give you some inspiration for your logo.

Explore The Right Color, Typography And Essential Elements

Considering the brand’s nature, you can decide the color of the logo. The logo placed on the Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging must compliments each other. There are different colors available.

Each color has its unique meaning. The addition of color means adding some emotion and ideas. Here are some color’s meaning that can help you in the selection of color.

Red: It is a symbol of passion, excitement and anger. If your brand is energetic and youthful, it can work best.

Black: It represents the modern, sleek and elegant brand. The minimalist black logo with the gold color combination is the most inspiring combination ever.

Yellow: This color gives friendly vibes. If your brand show affordability and youthfulness, you can use it.

Green: It can work efficiently for any brand due to its versatile nature. Even your brand can show its organic nature through it.

Orange: Orange is vibrant, vivid and playful color.

Pink: Pink is an entirely girlish, fun-loving and cute depiction. But its high and low shades can give your logo a calm and youthful look.

White: A perfect color that combines with any other color to enhance the logo’s aesthetics. It shows economic, decent and clean touch.

There are many other colors too. You can combine colors to create your new shade. But typography and font style also work together with the color. Also, you can take some professional logo designs schemes online.

You can’t neglect these essential elements too. Here is a pro tip, if you own male products, go with simple and bold fonts.

However, for feminine products, the stylish font works fantastic. You must apply and check whatever style and font look enticing to the eyes; you can select it.

Get The First Logo Design 

After brainstorming, you have some rough sketches in your mind. Now you have logo template in mind. Even if you have no idea about the custom printed boxes, you can match them with the logo later. This step aims to help you transform your imagination into a creative logo that can work for your brand.

At this stage, you can apply all those ideas with the color and the font styles to see the look of your logo. In fact, it is not the end of thinking and creativity. After having first sight of your logo design, you will have some other ideas too. You can make changes accordingly and see which logo can represent the strong image of your brand.

Evaluate Your Design

This step is crucial in designing the logo, as you almost have the logo you imagined for your brand. But, still, this step’s purpose is to ensure that nothing can be mismatched in the complete visual look of the logo.

Your final logo must be flexible enough to work at any size, efficiently reflect your brand and has no expiry date. That means the brand logo is suitable at present and will work best in the future too.

You can ask some questions. If most of the answers are good, it’s good to go with the logo. You can evaluate whether your logo is simple and readable. Can it feel alluring to the eyes, or does it looks memorable?

The logo that can pass all these questions easily is your final brand logo.

Integrate Your Creative Logo Into A Brand

Once you have done with the logo design, you have successfully created the base for any platform. Now you can use your brand logo on your product, Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging, business cards, web designs or any business need.

Finalizing the logo style and color helps your brand designer to create an impressive look that matches your brand approach perfectly. You are just one step ahead in showing the new face of your brand to your audience.


After the entire discussion, you can have a better idea about the custom logo design on the custom printed boxes. We have not gone beyond the necessary information for logo design.

Logo designers take many weeks to deliver innovative logos for your brand. That’s what we recommend to you. Don’t Don’t try to create hustle while designing or finalizing the logo, as it will be there in its place even after 10 or 20 years. It makes room in your customers’ hearts and never vanished away.

Put efforts into getting your brand logo but don’t consider it your everything. It would be your customers’ loyalty and trust that can build up your brand at the end of the day.

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